Northwest Medical Center’s “Brain Attack Team” Celebrates Saving Lives with “BAT” Awards
When our “Brain Attack Team” saves another life from the devastating effects of stroke, their quick actions can mean the patient walks out of the hospital a few days later – rather than suffering permanent brain damage, disability, or death.
The most common type of stroke, ischemic, occurs when blood flow to the brain is blocked by a blood clot or plaque buildup. After this happens, every second that passes can cost the patient precious mental and physical function.
Some risk factors for stroke – including diet, exercise, and smoking/alcohol habits – are under an individual’s control, while others – genetics, stress levels, and blood pressure – are less so. In addition, other medical conditions such as diabetes and heart disease can make a person more vulnerable to a stroke.
If you suspect that you or someone else is experiencing a stroke (symptoms include facial drooping, weakness in the arm on one side, difficulty speaking or slurred speech, or sudden vision loss) call 9-1-1 (please don’t drive yourself or ask someone else to drive you) and be transported by ambulance to a hospital with Primary Stroke Center certification/designation, such as Northwest Medical Center or Oro Valley Hospital. Learn more about stroke symptoms here.
We thank and appreciate our “Brain Attack Team” for helping patients survive and thrive after stroke!
