Stroke Care
When a patient comes to the hospital with stroke symptoms, it's crucial to make a proper diagnosis and begin treatment quickly in order to minimize the stroke's effects.
Stroke, also called a brain attack, occurs when blood flow to the brain is disrupted. Disruption in blood flow is caused when either a blood clot blocks one of the vital blood vessels in the brain (ischemic stroke), or when a blood vessel in the brain bursts, spilling blood into surrounding tissues (hemorrhagic stroke). Our stroke care teams deliver potentially life-saving care for both ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes.
Northwest Medical Center; Oro Valley Hospital; and Northwest Medical Center - Houghton are Joint Commission certified Primary Stroke Centers, which means they have demonstrated expertise in the early assessment, rapid diagnosis and treatment of stroke emergencies.
The stroke care teams at Northwest Healthcare collaborate with local EMS to provide patients with quick access to advanced diagnostic and treatment technology.
If you think you or a loved one may be having a stroke, dial 911 immediately. Do not drive yourself to the hospital.
For more information, please call the hospital nearest you and ask to speak with a stroke coordinator.
Northwest Medical Center: (520) 742-9000
Northwest Medical Center Houghton: (520) 543-6100
Oro Valley Hospital: (520) 901-3500