What to Expect
At Northwest Tucson Surgery Center, we strive to make the registration and admitting process as smooth as possible. Our knowledgeable staff will assist and answer any questions that you may have on or before the day of your surgery.
Things to Know
- Before your scheduled procedure, a representative will call you to request information to ensure proper billing. Payment of co-pays/deductibles is expected on the day of surgery. Please note that your surgeon, anesthesiologist, radiologist/pathologist will bill separately.
- If you are under 18 years of age, a parent or legal guardian must sign the consent forms before treatment can begin. If applicable, please bring proof of guardianship or Medical Power of Attorney.
- Please bring your health insurance card, picture ID and any co-pay or deductible payment.
- Please bring your advised medical directives/living will. A copy will be made and placed in your medical record.
On the day of your procedure, please arrive one hour before your scheduled surgery time. Please do not arrive before 6 a.m.
What to Expect
- Before your procedure, do not eat or drink after midnight.
- Leave all valuables at home or with a responsible party that arrives with you.
- Bring all paperwork your doctor may have given you, such as your medical history or lab and test results.
- Bring a list of all medications you are currently taking.
- Do not consume alcoholic beverages or recreational drugs the night before surgery. Avoid or limit the use of tobacco products the night before surgery.
- Wear loose fitting, comfortable clothing. If you are having upper body surgery, a buttoned shirt is sometimes easier than a pull over.
- Dentures, hearing aids, contact lenses and glasses cannot be worn during surgery. Please bring cases with you for proper storage.
Please limit your visitors to two people. Small children should be left at home if possible. Your visitors will be able to stay with you before surgery, and your physician may speak with them after the surgery is finished. A parent or guardian must accompany a minor patient to the surgery center.
We encourage visitors to remain available at the facility so as not to miss the physician. We provide a waiting area with a TV and reading material. Food and drinks can be purchased at the hospital cafeteria.
Call us today at (520) 877-6700